Sh. Manoj Sinha
Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir
Sh. Dheeraj Gupta, IAS
Principal Secretary to Government (HUDD)
Welcome to JK Housing Mission
Jammu & Kashmir with its natural beauty and location has spread its charm the world over. The environs of the State encapsulate the most beautiful natural scenery. Despite the availability of bounties of nature in plenty, the state has not achieved a level of growth required for the upliftment of living standard of people.
Housing is one such attribute of utmost importance and is a part of overall infrastructural development which is vital for all-rounded development. J&K Housing Board was established in March, 1976 by virtue of Jammu & Kashmir Housing Board Act, 1976 with a view to provide 'Affordable Shelter for All' and to make such Schemes and to carry out works as are necessary for the purpose of satisfying the Housing needs